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This guy says he went back and vote...

Rating: 2.98
Viewed: 366
He must think he is Zorro.

Rating: 3.16
Viewed: 420
This guy is cruel!

Rating: 2.98
Viewed: 611
This actually turned out pretty awe...

Rating: 2.95
Viewed: 492
A cool beer commercial with a beer ...

Rating: 2.95
Viewed: 443
This baby finds a way to gracefully...

Rating: 2.95
Viewed: 431
This guy pranks his friend by actin...

Rating: 2.91
Viewed: 474
A pipe breaks and send sewage spewi...

Rating: 2.99
Viewed: 420
A weatherman freaks out about a bug...

Rating: 2.97
Viewed: 372
Survelliance camera catches the dam...

Rating: 2.95
Viewed: 448
This looks fun!

Rating: 2.83
Viewed: 433
A man pranks passerbys with fake sp...

Rating: 2.98
Viewed: 455
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